Publications: expert guidance for specialist epoxy applications
Over the years we’ve accumulated a vast amount of knowledge about how to carry out many tricky applications using epoxy. Browse our collection of specialist publications to find out everything you need to know about working with epoxy.
In this online library, you can download detailed instruction manuals on many advanced epoxy techniques. Simply click on the title that interests you to find out more about it.
WEST SYSTEM®: User Manual & Product Guide
Essential for the first-time WEST SYSTEM epoxy user, this manual covers in detail epoxy handling, safety and basic techniques used in most building and repair projects. It includes complete product descriptions and a troubleshooting guide.
Wooden Boat Restoration & Repair
An illustrated guide to restore the structure, improve the appearance, reduce the maintenance and prolong the life of wooden boats with WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Includes information on dry rot repair, structural framework repair, hull and deck planking repair, hardware installation with epoxy and protective coating.
Fibreglass Boat Repair & Maintenance
A complete guide to repair fibreglass boats with WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Includes illustrated procedures for structural reinforcement, deck and hull repair, hardware installation, keel repair and teak deck installation.
Gelcoat Blisters: Diagnosis, Repair & Prevention
A guide for repairing and preventing gelcoat blisters in fibreglass boats with WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Includes an analysis of the factors that contribute to blister formation and illustrated steps for preparation, drying, repairing and coating for moisture protection.
Final Fairing & Finishing
Techniques for fairing wood, fibreglass and metal surfaces. Includes fairing tools, materials and a general guide to finish coatings.
Vacuum Bagging Techniques
A step-by-step guide to vacuum bag laminating, a technique for clamping wood, core materials and synthetic composites bonded with WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Discusses theory, moulds, equipment and techniques used to build composite structures.
WEST SYSTEM Epoxy’s Other Uses
An introduction to some of the more common non-marine uses of epoxy. Most of these suggestions deal with home repair and architectural restoration.
Glass fibre boat repair kit instructions
The instructions from the WEST SYSTEM 105-K Glass Fibre Boat Repair Kit. which includes illustrated step by step instructions on how to complete 4 simple GRP repairs using the kit.
Guide for handling and using G/flex® epoxy
Instructions for handling G/flex epoxy and basic techniques. Sample projects include repair to plastic canoes and kayaks, wooden boats, and household and sporting equipment. Also included are tips on gluing to wet surfaces and gluing underwater, joining wood, gluing in fasteners, and blending epoxies.
Guide to sheathing with WEST SYSTEM epoxy
This short guide answers many of the frequent questions about sheathing with epoxy, while illustrating how simple the operation is and most importantly, how to select the right materials in the correct quantities.

The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction Free download
This is the comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about building with wood and WEST SYSTEM® materials, by Meade Gougeon. Simply click on the button and enter your details for free access.