West System International (WSI) provides greatly enhanced focus and support to WEST SYSTEM and PRO-SET epoxies – the world famous brands of epoxy.
Wessex Resins and Adhesives has today launched a new division, West System International (WSI). The new division will provide a greater level of international support for and information about, the renowned WEST SYSTEM® and PRO-SET® epoxy brands. These are used extensively for boat manufacture and repair and within the composite industry.
A major aspect of the announcement is the launch of two new websites designed to support the international marine audience. The first is a brand new and extensive international corporate website – www.westsysteminternational.com. Soon to be available in ten languages – with more to follow – the site includes detailed product information, epoxy ‘how to’ guides – both text and video – and extensive technical advice, as well as comprehensive safety information for the complete WEST SYSTEM and PRO-SET product ranges. It also includes contact information for distributors and chandlers around the world.
The second new website is a new online magazine called epoxycraft – www.epoxycraft.com. A community resource, epoxycraft will include contributions from WSI staff as well as industry experts and members of the general boating public. Subject areas include news, views and discussions on the use of epoxy in boat repair, maintenance and construction. It also provides a list of key boating events and current epoxy projects of interest.
“West System International and the new websites in particular, represents a major change for us at Wessex Resins and Adhesives,” says Ian Oliver, Managing Director of Wessex Resins and Adhesives. “They enable us to give the extraordinary WEST SYSTEM and PRO-SET brands the kind of international focus and attention they deserve.
“We are delighted that the new websites provide so much information and support. Early indications from those who have seen epoxycraft in advance of launch make us confident that it will rapidly become an important and invaluable source for many boat enthusiasts.”